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TMAC Webinar: Foreign Exchange Tactics and Tools

  • Thursday, June 24, 2021
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Virtual Educational Event


  • No Cost

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Foreign Exchange Tactics and Tools

WEBINAR-June 24, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MST
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET

Head of Commercial FX Structuring
TD Securities

TMAC would like to share that we have taken steps to build out partnerships with AFP Chapters across Canada, providing you access to a collective Canada-wide series of virtual educational seminars.  For TMAC members, this will now expand the number of sessions you can attend at no cost throughout 2021, with a nominal $25.00 attendance fee assessed on each seminar for non-members.  These partnerships complement our own TMAC sessions and reinforce our key mandates to connect, educate and support our practitioner constituents and will serve to offer additional value to your professional development. 

Please join us for this webinar hosted by AFP Calgary, which will aim to provide you with tactics and tools to hedge foreign exchange risk within your organization. This presentation will lay out a case for why foreign exchange risk should be hedged. It will go over how to set up a hedging plan and a fairly broad overview of some commonly used hedging products.  We will talk about common hedging myths, whether this risk should be managed in individual business units or collectively, and how to position discussions around hedging with internal partners. The goals is to leave you with a foundation of knowledge that you can use to enhance your business’s operations and navigate through the complicated world of foreign exchange

Our speaker, Dylan Tate, Head of Commercial FX Structuring, TD Securities, spent 20 years in the foreign exchange world on both the trading and sales side of the desk.  As a structurer, he spends his days working with clients to build customized hedging plans that help lock in profit margins and smooth cash flows.

We look forward to having you join us at the upcoming event!


TMAC Toronto Board of Directors

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