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TMAC Webinar:The Next Generation of Treasury Technology

  • Tuesday, April 19, 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Virtual Educational Event


  • No Cost

Registration is closed

TMAC would like to share that we have taken steps to build out partnerships with AFP Chapters across Canada, providing you access to a collective Canada-wide series of virtual educational seminars.  For TMAC members, this will now expand the number of sessions you can attend at no cost throughout 2022, with a nominal $25.00 attendance fee assessed on each seminar for non-members.  These partnerships complement our own TMAC sessions and reinforce our key mandates to connect, educate and support our practitioner constituents and will serve to offer additional value to your professional development. 

Not a member of TMAC?  Join now as we are offering annual memberships at $225 + HST.  You will be able to attend an unlimited number of webinars on a wide range of topics at no additional cost, hosted by both TMAC and the AFP Chapters across Canada. 

Please note that there will be a half hour of virtual networking at 12:00pm followed by the presentation at 12:30pm

AFP Montreal invites you to joins us for our new webinar on the next generation of treasury technology.

Technological innovation is quickly evolving and companies have to decide how APIs, data visualization, robotic process automation and artificial intelligence fit into the world of treasury and finance. Treasurers are faced with the challenge to understand what these new intelligent technologies truly offer in regards to cash, payments and risk management, as well as the implications for the careers of treasury professionals.

Bob Stark has over 20 years' experience in treasury, driving product and market strategy for many of the best known technology providers in the industry. As the head of market strategy at Kyriba, Bob works directly with clients, partners, and industry influencers to ensure Kyriba is at the forefront of financial technology. Bob Stark has provided treasury management strategy to some of the world's largest companies, and is a frequent speaker and author on treasury, risk management, and payments at AFP, EuroFinance, ACT, Sibos, and other industry events.

We look forward to connecting with you virtually soon!


TMAC Toronto Board of Directors

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